Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Painting: What is its Commercial Value?

Painting Art

A painting is an art form that a number of people patronize. Artists have their own distinct styles which lead to followers. However, painting is not just an art for art’s sake. It’s also a way for artists to express themselves and earn something to make ends meet. There will always be some commercial value to every painting. Its price is usually determined by its size and the medium used in creating the art piece. It’s a way for the artist to regain the money he used in making the piece, like in buying the necessary materials. Oftentimes, the name and fame of the artist is also a factor.

Do-It-Yourself House Painting Tips for Stay-at-home Mothers


If you wanted to save and do the house painting on your own, then you should follow some of these tips. First, canvass for affordable but high quality painting supplies and materials in town before purchasing. While canvassing, you can seek advice from professionals or sales person. Second, don’t settle for cheap painting equipment. Not all cheap products are durable. You might be able to save for buying those but you might sacrifice the quality of your output. Last but not the least, with the help of other family members, remove all furniture and other items within the area where you’re going to paint. Cover them with a cloth to protect them from paint stains.

Getting Creative in Painting Pictures For Kids

Painting of a girl
Nothing can really liven up your kid’s room like painting pictures for kids.  If you are doing a paint job yourself in your kid’s room, it’s a great idea to be creative with painting pictures for kids. You must choose lively colors if you want a lively environment conducive for your kids growth and welfare. Don’t choose dull backgrounds and darker shades; choose more on the lighter shades like blue and yellow. Get creative by painti
ng cute characters that your kids can enjoy. The best thing that you can do to make sure that your kid feels great in his room is to have amazing painting pictures for kids all around the room.

What You Need To Know In Painting Art

There are a lot of people who can do painting, but this does not necessarily mean you are creating art. Painting art is a different thing compared to plain and simple painting. Anyone can grab a brush and start painting the walls with colors, however art is different. Painting an artwork requires a measure of creativity and technical knowhow on the brushes that you use in painting on a canvas. Furthermore, art is an expression, therefore in painting art you need to be expressive of what it is that you want to express. Try it yourself and see if you can try painting art yourself.

The Many Famous Painting Pictures of the World

There are a lot of famous painting pictures of the world. One very famous painting of the world would be the Mona Lisa by the famous Renaissance man himself, Leonardo da Vinci. This beautiful painting still exists today and can be seen in the Louvre museum in Paris. Other such famous painting would be the starry night by Vincent Van Gogh.  There are many famous paintings in the world and you can see them all circling the internet if you are far away from any painting museum. All around the world, different artists have contributed to an art with their paintings and have become famous for them.

A Painting that Tells your Story

Indian Painting
A person or portrait painting shows the image of a particular person.  Traditionally, the subject of the portrait is called a “sitter” because people would sit in front of the artist to have the portrait painted.  Nowadays, an artist can work using a photograph so no need to sit for a portrait.  An effective portrait or person painting is when the portrait speaks about the person or is telling a story.  A strong portrait or person painting captivates the viewers, draws and engages the viewers’ attention into the painting.  It is no longer just a visual representation but it also reveals the essence of the person. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Oil Painting: The Highest Form of Painting Art

Oil Painting
An oil painting is probably the highest form of art painting for this requires a lot of skill, technique and creativity. It utilizes a unique kind of coloring material which will need a sensitive way of handling it. Oil paintings can be distinguished from an ordinary painting by just simply identifying how the colors moved and complement with each other. Oil paints make each color stand out, giving an extra amount of life in a certain painting masterpiece. You could actually see movement and even see the story behind every stroke; and it also portrays the painter’s style and passion for his craft.

The Advantage of Getting the Best Painting Supplies

Painting Supplies

In shopping for the best painting supplies, you have to go for a well known brand. There are actually lots of good painting supply brand being offered to arts enthusiasts; all you have to do is choose the kind that would serve your needs well. They may cost a little over from the traditional art materials you usually see in the market, but the quality of the said material would justify its price. In addition to that, once you see the output of the said tool, you would instantly know that all your money would be worth it for such supplies are really created to design a world class work of art.

Cartoon Painting: Part of the Contemporary Arts

Cartoon Painting

Part of today’s contemporary art is painting cartoon. This kind of painting utilizes cartoon characters as the main subject. This varies from the traditional cartoon personalities up to the superheroes. Such art is deeply appreciated by the youngsters of today and would even try to make one or two for themselves. The said kind of painting could utilize any kind of coloring tools as long as it could do justice to the portrait an individual is trying to project. All they need to do is paint the basic feature of a certain cartoon character and create movement in it afterwards. With this, such cartoon painting would be unique to other kinds of cartoon paintings.